Thursday, January 28, 2010

My dear friend you will be missed.

I write this post filled with sorrow.  My dear vacuum has bit the dust (pun intended).  You, my dear readers, have listened to me go on and on about my wonderful dirt bunny eliminator.  I packed her up with tender loving care to take her to the repair shop to ask him about the noise level being that of a jet plane taking off.  The kind man looked me straight in my eye and said "She's dead, you might as well put a bullet through her she is a goner."  Too expensive to repair might as well replace it.  So I am on the hunt for a good vacuum again.  She is sitting outside in the freezing cold waiting for her final resting place, the garbage truck.  She was a good vacuum, she never hurt anyone and always kept my floors nice and clean.  You will be greatly missed dear friend.

1 comment:

Jill, Kevin, Mary, and Teresa said...

Have you seen the movie "the brave little toaster"? Well that post reminds me of that. There is a vacume that is so sad like that.