Friday, October 10, 2008

Halloween surprise!

Tonight after checking out Harvest Homecoming Mom and I decided it was a perfect night for the Louisville zoo's Halloween party. We dressed up Victoria in her cat outfit that she finally settled on and packed up the babies costumes too.


Victoria was getting checked out by Addison she didn't understand what the makeup and ears were for.

Addison was very excited to get into her pumpkin costume. It was very strange putting this on her knowing that this was my first Halloween costume that mom make me 31 years ago. Who would've known that when mom was making it that it would be worn by my daughter too so many years later.

Anthony in his famous Lion costume. He wasn't too impressed as you can tell in the upcoming pictures. We didn't realize that he was burning up in it the whole night.

My little ones getting ready to take off and get some candy.

Victoria on her lizard friend that she has to pose on everytime we go to the zoo.

I had to crop this one for you to see the look on Anthony's face when he saw the lion on the Wizard of Oz set.

"What yellow brick road?"


This was Mommy and Grandma's thought exactly on the way home.

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