Sunday, October 19, 2008

Runny nose and dirty clothes

Our little Anthony is sick. He started running a fever yesterday afternoon and his little nose is so runny. James and I have been giving him medicine and playing with him. You would never know that he wasn't feeling bad to watch him. He is just as content as can be. At least he isn't uncomfortable. Addison is starting to get it too. Looks like it's going to be a Lysol week in our house.

James is off to change trucks at work. A buddy of his is leaving and is giving him his truck because it has some stuff on it to make James life on the road a little more comfortable. He took Victoria with him to get us out of each other's hair for a bit. So here I am cleaning and trying to make my house look like a tornado didn't hit it. Wish I could just hire someone and just take a nap! I know I will feel better when it is done.

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