Thursday, October 30, 2008

How do I know??? They're family!

First of all, forgive me I have not had my coffee yet this morning. For some reason I couldn't sleep to save my life last night. I am trying to find a vein so that I can get the coffee IV flowing. lol.

My dad had arranged to have our Gilstrap cousins to come over and fix our gutters. The water runs behind them instead of in them and it is cutting a ditch into our yard. Dad told me that they would be coming but I had kind of forgotten about it.

Every family had that side that you don't tell many people that you are related to them. That side that has arrest records, drive Harleys, and drinks a lot of beer. Well that is the Gilstrap side of the Pennington clan. I have to admit they are funny as heck and are always willing to help out family.

This morning I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door. I peered out of my bedroom window to see my 3-4th cousin standing outside in the driveway. He is one of the clean cut ones and apparently owns his own business. I opened the door and Victoria was glued to my side staring at the strange man. I explained to her that they were going to fix our gutters. We walked into the nursery to get the babies diapers changed and Victoria was watching them get the stuff out of the house. I am not sure if the guy helping him is a cousin (he looks like he is) or not but he had long grey hair pulled back into a braid and a long beard that looked almost like ZZ top. He had a red bandanna wrapped around his head and wrap around sunglasses on. Victoria stood there for a while just watching and I could see her mind working. She finally turned to me and said "Mommy are you sure these men are nice?" I turned to her and said "Sure they are. They are family."

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