Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"I don't know"

That has been the catch phrase of the house these days. I swear Victoria turned 5 and all of a sudden "I don't know." is the answer to everything. It has been driving me nuts. Every time she gets caught doing something she knows she isn't suppose to be doing her response to "Why did you do that?" is "I don't know". It is getting very frustrating.

On a different "I don't know" note, James went to the doctor yesterday to see about the reading of the ultrasound on his leg. The doctor said he didn't see anything abnormal and was curious as to why they even sent James to him. He said that he thought that the "inconclusive" diagnosis was probably the cause. We still don't know what caused the extra swelling and block of blood flow. I am going to take the no news is good news approach.

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