Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hey, I can reach that!

This past week I decided to switch the twins beds in their room. Addison for the past year has been able to look down the hallway and see into the living room from her bed. Anthony, on the other hand, has only had the view of the corner. It has developed his sense of hearing very well. He can't see the door but knows exactly what the creek in the floor sounds like when someone is coming to the nursery room door. He can be playing away and hear someone step on the squeaky spot and know that someone is coming to see him, and his eyes will be glued to the doorway.

The babies have enjoyed the new "view" from their beds, Anthony more so than Addison. Earlier in the day I had the screen door shut on their room (quit laughing) and they were playing on the floor. I had put everything that they could reach, but wasn't suppose to have, up on the dresser next to Addison's bed. They played together really well, the biting has subsided a little between the two of them.

This morning I woke up to Anthony playing in his crib over the monitor. I peeked in the nursery to find Anthony playing with his toys and Addison curled up in her bed clutching a wad of Kleenex like it was a stack of fifties. They were all over her bed, some wadded up and some laying out like blankets. I then noticed their box of Kleenex that I put on the dresser, foolishly close to Addison's bed, on the floor with Kleenexes hanging out of it. Addison just laid there sleeping away with her blankie in one hand and her wad of Kleenex in the other.

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