Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Ten "little whiles"

Victoria and I headed out with the babies tonight to run some errands. We met Daddy at work to bring him some lunch and grab some hugs and kisses, then off to Hobby Lobby to grab some supplies for a project for the upcoming wedding.

Victoria and the babies recieved a gift from a friend Ami Latta this past week. She got them gift cards to Babies R Us and Victoria's is to Target, like I need an excuse to go to Target! I told her that if she was good today that we would go shopping and she could use her "credit card" as she called it.

All evening long she kept asking "Are going to Target yet? Are we about to go to Target? Are we going to Target in a little while? Is Target next?" I kept repeating to her "In a little while!" I needed to get some stuff done tonight and Target has a way of freezing time for me and I can be in there for hours and not realize it.

We finally made our way to Target, her eyes were as big around as dinner plates with the knowledge that SHE had money to spend. She first picked up a new puzzle. She is a wiz at solving puzzles it amazes me. Then off to the clothes she picked out a Halloween T-shirt with a princess skull on it and a pair of slipper socks that look like cats, complete with a tail on the back, they are so cute. She proudly paid for her merchandise with her credit card and we were off to the house.

By the time we made it home it was a quarter till ten and I was fading quickly. I sat outside on the swing and she entertained me with songs from High School Musical and a show and tell of her prizes for the day. I told her that she was good so we would work her puzzle before she went to bed. She immediately grabbed the puzzle out of the bag and "read" the box to me....."Do this puzzle piece with Victoria before she goes to bed, it will probably take 10 little whiles" What a creative staller she is making sure that it would take a long time to solve and therefore prolonging bed time. It worked, she made it to bed in her new slipper socks at 10:30. Thank you Ami!

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