Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Starting to shape up

Wow what a day of work.  Spent most of the morning still scrubbing grease off of the stove.  My mil showed up wanting the pick up truck and a load in it to take to the trailer.  I have been wanting access to my kitchen stuff in the garage so I happily agreed to help.  Wow that was some work.  I loaded up the rest of the stuff in the garage of hers along with hauling some boxes up the stairs with the furniture dolly.  My back was killing me but it was worth it to get that stuff out of my house.  :) 

My mom showed up as we were taking a small break on the front porch and we came in the kitchen and started knocking out boxes of mine.  We unloaded my plastic food storage containers that I have been wanting so bad.  They were buried on the bottom along with all of my kitchen appliances and extra pots and pans.  I have been working with a skeleton kitchen for a while now. 

After a while of unpacking I headed outside to mow the lawn for the first time by myself.  I was a bit nervous.  Sounds so silly but I was most nervous about backing the riding mower out of the shed on the ramp.  lol.  I turned the key to NOTHING.  It wouldn't start and the battery light was flashing.  I was so discouraged and ready for tears as I was trying not to pass out from push mowing edges of the yard and trimming down an unruly bush in the back yard by hand and cleaned it up. I called my husband and gave him a gentle "You left the key on and now the battery is dead!" as he was the last one to mow the yard.  I walked all the way around to the garage and grabbed the battery charger and drug it through the house back out into the front yard.  Quite a big thing and heavy to boot!  James asked me if I was in neutral when I tried to start the mower and I told him "No I was in reverse to back out of the shed."  He responded "The mower has to be in neutral to start Honey."  I wanted to launch that battery charger across the yard.  I believe my sweet mother who was helping me get caught up on some laundry and helping organize my utility room put it back in the garage as I don't remember putting it away and it is no longer on the porch.  Thanks mom!  I was off on my mower and didn't fall off of the ramps!  SUCCESS!  The yard looks great in the back and then I moved around to the front yard.  I moved mom's car out of the way and fired up my push mower again to mow the little strip of grass that runs between the sidewalk and the road.  It is about 30 feet long and would take two swipes.  I ran out of gas half way through my first and it is going to stay that way!  lol!

We got so much done and I fixed an awesome dinner.  So easy and SO GOOD! 
All you have to do is grab your crock pot put in some frozen chicken breasts, a can of salsa (I used the corn and black bean), a can of black beans (or any that you prefer) and a packet of taco seasoning.  (I used the McCormick Chicken taco) and let it cook till you can shred the chicken.  I cooked up some brown rice and wrapped it up in whole wheat tortillas and sprinkled a little cheese on top and stuck it in the oven just long enough to melt the cheese.  OH MY GOSH it is sooo good.  You don't have to put it in the oven you can add the rice to the tortilla or just the chicken mixture.  I bet it would freeze up well too but I haven't had a batch yet make it to left overs.  Seriously you have to try this!

After the kids went to bed I grabbed the special box that I have been waiting to open, my Willow tree figurines.  I placed my Mother's Day gift of my sweet girl holding the Welcome Home wreath right on the mantle and she just lit up the room.  I am starting to feel like I am home.  Let me rephrase that I am starting to feel like I am at my home that needs a lot of paint and wallpaper removal.  :)

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