Thursday, June 30, 2011

Swamp thing

Today will go down in history as the day that I faced the beast.  That is the fountain in the front yard.  I really should have done a before and after pic but was afraid that the before would make you gag.  It was pretty bad!  I grabbed the shop vac and went to war on the green scum that made the water almost solid.  Then there was a full tree of leaves down on the bottom under the scum.  I grabbed this massive shop vac and got it hooked up and stuck the hose in the water.  Two inches of the nastiness was gone with one full shop vac full.  I tried my best to maintain control of the weight of the vac on wheels down my driveway as it is downhill.  I am holding on by the hose for dear life as if I am walking a pit bull down my driveway.  It hits a crack where the driveway hits the concrete and SPLASH!  "Try not to puke. Try not to puke." I empty it out with some assistance of my gloved hand clearing the hole and head back up to the pond.  I put the lid back on and turn it on as Addison is walking out of the garage by me.  Water starts spraying out of the top like a fire hydrant.  I forgot to make sure that the seal was tight around the lid and Addison is running for cover from the yucky rain.  I was determined to not give up.  By the 4th full shop vac of water I was a pro and was leaning into the water digging stuff out with my rubber gloves (grosser but MUCH faster) and then jumped into my empty pond to scrub the liner with some Spic and Span.  By this time I feel like I am deep in the jungle somewhere determined to complete my mission.  I get it all wiped down and start to work on the fountain.  I get my trusty little screwdriver out unscrew the thing and start to clean the filters.  By this time my mother in law pulls up and says "D*MN You go girl! That looks good!!"  My mother in law has complimented me maybe 3 times that I can remember.  The pond, my chicken salad and allowing one time for something I forgot in case my hubby reads this and reminds me of another time.  :)  I was walking in the clouds. We filled it up with water and pulled that bad boy in.  I now have a clean pond in my front yard with a working fountain.  Uh huh! Oh yeah! 

1 comment:

Jill said...

Kelly, NO ONE tells a story as good as you. You had me laughing so hard! :)