Friday, June 24, 2011

A long drive

Get me away from the boxes for a while!  My mom called me a couple of days ago with a crazy idea.  I agreed and at 9:00 this morning we packed up the kiddos and took "a long drive".  I was so excited and worn out from unpacking that I forgot to get the kids breakfast at a drive thru and about the time we hit Georgetown Victoria yelled from the back seat "Um, are we going to eat?"  How funny!  Ok a couple of sausage biscuits from DQ and we were off on 64.  We drove and drove and the kids didn't have a clue to where we were going and the boredom set in about 15 minutes into our drive.  When we hit exit 63 and turned left still no reaction.  But when they saw that brightly colored water tower saying Holiday World the back seat erupted into screams and even genuine tears from Victoria.  "OH MY GOSH I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! THIS FEELS SOOOO GOOD!"

Upon entering the gate we find out that Victoria has now reached the height of 48 inches and is legal to ride a "real" roller coaster!  She rode all three that they offer at Holiday World.  The Voyage left us with cotton mouth from wide open screams with no breaks to catch our breath.  We returned to exit the ride looking like fire marshal Bill from Mad TV. She is hooked.  I didn't think that she would ride the Voyage and would shy away but she was all for it.  When we got off the ride we went in to see our pics.  Mom was standing there with us and the lady searched for our pic and then put it up on the screen.  The pic was 8 dollars but I wanted to offer her 12 to take it off the big TV screen.  I thought I wanted gravity to be nice to me but all of the "overhang" on me lifted up at 60+ miles per hour was NOT attractive!  LOL!  I think I'll let gravity have it's way with me. 

Anthony and Addison got to ride quite a bit this year and Anthony drove the little cars and took mommy for a ride. He looked so serious with his eyebrows down watching the road.  He said he looked just like daddy in his semi truck.  This is kind of hard in a old fashioned car but he pulled it off.  The twins rode the little canoes....and got kicked off for splashing and rocking the boats.  It was sad and hilarious at the same time.  The poor kid that drew the short straw to have to man this ride closed the gate and walked back to lift my kids off of the boats and told them to "Go to your mom."  I just stood there with my head held down and scooped up my kids and walked away.  I hope that they don't have a mug shot of them at the front gate saying NO RIDE!  They said that their favorite was the bumper cars in the water.  Addison didn't even scream when she got off of the carousel saying "Neigh neigh neigh" like last year.

We had a ball!  I wish we could go every day. Addison entertained us with her story of her wedding that took place yesterday to her husband Coco. She informed us that she also had a boyfriend named Coco and that the lived in a purple house with a cat dog and child all named Bella and they drove their purple car with a big horn on top of it with a license plate that say HONK HONK!  Very interesting story.  I just wonder when she is going to bring him over for dinner.

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