Thursday, January 10, 2008

"First Steps" towards a bright future

Today was our ISSP for Anthony with First Steps. Basically it is where they sit down and work out a plan to decide which therapy and therapist is best suited for him. He has been having some issues with his feeding. I don't know if I had written about it before or not. Poor lil guy either collapses a nipple to the point of no milk coming out or just not sucking at all and letting gravity drip the milk down his throat AND chest AND pants AND mommy!! It has become very frustrating. Plus it started to affect his weight gain.

First steps evaluated him on Monday and determined that his posture was more of a concern than the feeding issue. You can see in the pic that he throws his head back when resting that his head sits at a 90 degree angle from his body. He is like that all of the time in his bouncy seat, and in his crib if he is sleeping. They think it is due to his positioning in the womb. Anthony arches his back so bad that he has started rolling over onto his stomach too soon in life. This scares me to death because Anthony hasn't figured out to move his head to the side so that he can breathe. I am now suppose to dress him extra warm and not use a blanket so that he won't suffocate if he is to roll over in the middle of the night.
First Steps has also offered help to Victoria. They are able to get Victoria eligible for counseling through Bridgepointe Goodwill Services. Someone that comes HIGHLY recommended. I had to fight back tears when I found this out. God has really come through for our family. Now her and I can both get help that we so desperately need. For that I am truly grateful.
James is coming home tonight and we are going to go and look at some houses in the Pekin area close to my parents. James and I had fallen in love with a log home about 1/4 mile behind my folks place. It looks beautiful judging by the pictures listed on the website. It is getting ready to be foreclosed on and they are willing to take an offer to keep them from being foreclosed on. James and I hate that for any family but we are hoping that this means great things for our family. There are a couple other homes that we are going to check out too close to my parents. We just have to figure out if any of them would work for our lifestyle and budget. Wish us luck and send some prayers out for us.

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