Thursday, January 31, 2008

One step closer to a big Mac for Addison

Today was the babies 4 month check up. They are actually 5 months old today but we had to reschedule their appointment a month ago because of First Steps evaluation for Anthony. We have determined that Anthony has a toracollis. Basically, from what I understand, he has one muscle longer on one side of his neck. It is pretty much a stiff neck for a baby. He has been rolling over by himself on his belly and back to his back for about month now but he isn't using his torso at all. He is only using his neck muscles (arching to the right) instead. So we are having to do some therapy to get him to use his head to the left a lil more. Kim his Physical Therapist told us that she isn't going to do any stretches on him until she has an x-ray to make sure that she won't be hurting him. She also said that it is probably due to the positioning in the womb. Huh imagine that, it was a lil crowded in there.

Today at their visit Grandma Harb showed up to help us with immunizations, always a heartbreaker. That is the worst feeling holding your child down so that they can give them a shot. Ugh give me chills thinking about it. They did great though and stopped crying as soon as it was over.

The babies are now 13lbs. and 13lbs. 6 oz. with Addison in the lead. Mommy's lil porkchop. I can't even begin to explain how much it hurts her feelings when her bottle is empty. We are now giving them 6 oz in each bottle and hers is gone in half a commercial break! Once her bottle is done she starts eye-balling Bubby's bottle. He is still so pokey and she looks at me just begging for me to let her finish it off herself. "If he ain't going to finish it can I?" One morning I gave her a bottle in her bottle prop. (the best thing ever invented for parents of twins. It is basically a doughnut pillow that you put the bottle through and prop the bottle up for the baby in their bouncy seat) Addison does really well with it and I take advantage of that while it is feeding time. I set her up with a bottle and then I have all of the time in the world to feed and concentrate on Anthony. This particular morning I was feeding Anthony and Addison was at my feet in her bouncy and she finished her bottle. The bottle toppled over onto her lap and she just stared at me with this blank kinda "ticked off" look. "Are you kidding me that is it!!? That is all you've got??!" I just looked down at her cooing and smiling at her and I got NOTHING in return! Just utter dissapointment that I only gave her 6 oz. That wasn't even the kicker she began to tap her fingers on the bottle prop like she was impatiently waiting for seconds. What a piggy!

I figured with the babies getting bigger, older , and Addison giving me the evil eye once the bottle is empty that they might be able to start on some solid food. The doc agreed and we rushed home to mix up some cereal. I have put cereal in their bottles for a while now and they have done well with it but haven't introduced a spoon yet. Mommy was VERY excited! I mixed it to a very runny consistency and the babies were ready for anything resembling food at this point. They were an hour late on their bottle at this point. It took a lil longer to get Anthony's x-ray, but he did really well. I set up the camera so that I could show daddy their first spoon feeding. Don't laugh... I am sitting on the floor of my kitchen and I have my Tupperware drawer pulled out and a cookie sheet placed on top to make a shelf for our digital camera. (tell me I ain't crafty) Anthony, I believe, was a lil too upset already by the fact that dinner was late and wanted nothing to do with this spoon thing. Addison on the other hand was fine with it. The only problem was that food doesn't come fast enough with a spoon for her. She wants CONSTANT food in her mouth and a spoon, better yet mommy with a spoon, doesn't cut it for her.

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