Friday, August 8, 2008

Make it stop!! Make it stop!!!

Life is busy busy busy. I am trying to stay on top of stuff these days. It seems like life is taking over my brain. Today I took a whirlwind trip to Best Buy with James to buy a new dryer. Very frustrating when things go kapooy in your life and when you finally get some stuff caught up you need to purchase something major. We found one and hopefully will have it in our home soon. It has taken 2-3 cycles for our current dryer to dry a load of clothes. Laundry is my least favorite thing to do and when the appliances don't do what they are suppose to do it becomes even more tedious. Thank you honey for the new dryer.

Coming up I have the bridal shower that I have been trying to plan. It is on Wednesday. Please pray that everything goes smoothly without a hitch. Planning a party is never a stress free thing. I hope that it is enjoyable for everyone.

Mom came today and rescued me from my home to help me go to the grocery store. We took a detour to the Community park on Grant line Rd. and took a lap around the pedway that allowed Victoria to get some of the energy out that she has had today. She loved it! We decided to have the babies upcoming 1st Birthday there. We figure it will be a central location for everyone and plenty of stuff to keep everyone occupied while the festivities are going on.

That leads me to my "Make it stop Make it stop" . My babies are growing up way to fast!! Addison is now clapping and THANK GOD saying Ma Ma now. I have been waiting for that one for a while. Da Da has been everything and everyone but now she knows that there is someone else in the room other than Da Da. James always tells me that she has no clue what she is saying but it has tugged at my heart that she hadn't said Ma Ma yet. I have been working on it with her for only 11 months.

Anthony is now starting to stand on his own. I have been watching him in his play yard letting go of the sides and standing on his own for about 2-3 seconds and just watched in amazement. Tonight when mom and I got home from Walmart, Anthony was standing on the edge of his play yard without holding on waving his arms in the air and dancing to "So you think you can dance". Of course the Mommy waterworks started. I cry at everything that they do new. I just can't stand it. I am so proud of them but I want them to stay babies forever! This parenting stuff isn't for whimps!

They are becoming independent and Anthony has mastered the art of throwing a fit here lately. When he starts to get tired boy you better watch out! He fights his naps and starts to pick on sissy. Although I caught "Little Miss Innocent Pants" chomping down on Bubby's head the other day. I have been getting onto Anthony for biting her lately but I believe that he has just been returning the favor. When she realized that she was caught she just looked up at me with those huge blue eyes and tried so hard to melt my heart. It worked.

Victoria has been growing like a weed too. She has been very funny here lately. Tonight she was giving me a show in the driveway. She was dancing for me like the people on so you think you can dance. For some reason it comes off more like Elaine on Seinfeld rather than Joshua who won the competition. She looked down at her bare feet after dancing like a crazy person for the past 30 minutes and she showed me the bottom of her feet. They have started to peel from the concrete. She looked over at me with her foot turned upside down and said "How did I get all of these crumbs on my feet?" I almost fell out of the swing.

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