Sunday, August 31, 2008

Thank you Lord for these gifts!

I have waited a very long time to celebrate a birthday with my child. I was so happy that I have finally gotten the chance with not just one but two of my babies. Today we had a great time at the park celebrating our little ones turning one.

I am going to have to tell the story in clips of their first birthday. I hope you enjoy pictures I have some good ones!

In the car getting ready to go to church. Boogie is ready to go.....................

Addison Marie is NOT!!

Side by side in their new stroller. "Thank you Great Granny!"

"This one is MINE, it is pink, it has my name on it, therefore NOBODY touches it!"

"Do I have to eat this whole thing, Grandma? I am not really that hungry."

Once he realized it was sweet he didn't have much trouble getting two fists full.

Once Addison realized it was edible she didn't have any trouble covering herself in it.
Addison opening presents, Anthony was busy taking advantage of the fact that people wanted to hold him. This was from Great Grandma Irene, it was a praying Teddy Bear, Addison played with in most of the evening.

We don't have many family shots, but I have to say that this one is my absolute favorite! I was doing well not breaking out in tears while looking at the pictures I uploaded until I got to this one.

The night ended with LOTS of assembly. The babies really enjoy their ball bouncer (Mommy and Daddy did too!!!) their push car to help them walk, rolling piano table, and first swing set that looks like a castle. James and I have carpel tunnel from our assembly line, but it was all worth it to see them scrambling to all of the toys on the floor. James and I finished up the night by switching the car seats in the car to face forward (Mommy again nearly needed a Kleenex) and waking them to show them their swing outside to let them try it out. So that is it my babies are one year old. James keeps throwing this "Toddler" word around telling me "Honey they are toddlers now! They are not 'months' old they are a 1 now that is toddler" I told him "Quit throwing that 'T' word around, give me one more month to call them my babies." Who am I kidding they will ALWAYS be my babies!

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