Friday, October 19, 2007

Calgon take me away!

8:00 and I am still alive and kicking. That is kicking and screaming. Today started off great I spent the night at my mom and dad's house due to storms in the area. Let me tell ya you become VERY aware that you live in a mobile home when the wind kicks up. I heard a comedian once say concerning bad weather, go to your basement ,if you do not have a basement get to a central location in the house and if you live in a mobile home drop to your knees and repeat after me... Our father who art in heaven. That is about the size of it. So off to Grandma Harbs we headed. Mom had fresh sheets on the bed in my old room and all. I have to say it we very weird to be back at home in my old room with MY children in the playpen next to the bed.

This morning mom fixed pancakes and eggs..yum! We headed off to see my sister and my neice for a bit. They haven't seen the babies a whole lot due to me placing them in a bubble for about a month to keep them from getting sick. She has been very patient and now I want them to see the babies when a chance presents itself. My sister is so cute with them. Addison grunted the whole time and Anthony true to self made all kinds of faces to make up laugh.

I picked up Addison's costume this afternoon also. I borrowed it from my friend Melissa one of her clients made it for her daughter. She took a sleeper and sewed ballet slippers and a tulle skirt to it. So she is goin to be my lil ballerina. I can't wait to take them to the zoo on Sunday

I flew home after my visits to finish all that I could before I passed out. ( I had a really hard time sleeping last night with the storms) I am proud to say that the closet is done!! My house is finally how I want it, well besides the 3 extra bedrooms and pool. James called to say that he took another load to Detroit and I had a melt down on him. We were suppose to go to my cousin's wedding tomorrow and now it is just me and the kids. Bless his heart he is such a hard worker I couldn't ask for a better provider for our family. I just hate that he has to work so hard with me being home. The meltdown today was sporatic lasting from about 4 to next Wednesday. Everyone asks me how I am doing with everything and I always say "Depends on what hour segment of my day you catch me on." Well this evening you would of have to have a bit of time on your hands to listen to me whine. Again ,wonderful man, James is God blessed him with listening skills matched by no other. I am one lucky girl.

Victoria went with her mamaw and papaw to visit family and they didn't know if they were goin to spend the night or not. Well they decided not! Victoria made it home at 6 with about 15 minutes notice. Then I found out at 8 tonight as my butt is hanging out of my bathtub trying to scrub it that when I called to see if she had eaten dinner and was answered yes that papaw neglected to tell me that it was actually lunch. Poor Victoria had been asking me for a snack since she got home and had been putting her off till I got all of my stuff done telling her we would have one together.

Needless to say the day started off great and ended with me being frazzled. So much to do and such precious time to do it in. Just packing up the kids to go to two Grandparents houses yesterday took everything that I had. I almost left without bringing bottles and formula. I think this mom needs a break and I am goin to see to it that I have one soon if only enough time to go to the bathroom. Maybe a bubble bath tonight after everyone goes to sleep will do the trick.

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