Saturday, October 20, 2007

Nikki's wedding

Tonight was my cousin's wedding. Nikki married her middle school sweetheart Adam. I am so happy for them. God has meant for them to be together all along they just took the long way around.

Mom, God love her, helped out so much today. I have not had a chance to go to the grocery store in a while and mom came over and watched the kids so mommy can go and run her errands. Just those 2 hours away helped out so much and I have never flown through the grocery store so quickly. Every single minute was precious today thinking about all that I have to do to get everyone ready for the wedding tonight. My front door is covered in To Do lists and don't forget lists. When I arrived home Mom and Victoria were on the porch with their arms out to help me carry in groceries. What a help! By the time I got home mom had both babies fed and all three kids bathed. She is super helper when it comes to the stuff. I don't' know what I would do without her!

The wedding was beautiful and of course I cried through most of it. When the doors were opened to reveal Nikki Addison in my arms started farting away! I thought she was filling her pants the way she was grunting and groaning. I was cracking up. My children's timing is just uncanny. Addison with her butt at a wedding and Anthony at church during communion I guess it was just bread into her through James and I. Then after she was done "letting off some steam" she decided to fall back asleep and proceed to snore. Poor thing just has no manners. We did have a great time laughing and cutting up with my cousins. Tiffany (pictured above with me) got to hold her new cousin for the first time. She is expecting and due in Feb. I just can't wait to see her lil one. She is having a little girl and has picked out the name Brooklyn Nichole. She looks like a natural holding Addison. It5 was great night out for mom regardless of all of the work to get ready to go. Plus it was nice to sit down and have a meal while it was still hot, something I don't get to do often these days.

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