Wednesday, October 31, 2007

My Halloween Scare

Here are some pictures of tummy time tonight. Lil Miss Prissy and Mr. Pitiful.

Question: Does that stuff that runs out of a chicken pot pie down to the bottom of the oven catch fire the next time you use it at 450*?
Answer: Most definitely YES!
Last night I promised Victoria that we would make blueberry muffins for breakfast this morning. I timed the babies eating just right so that I could make muffins and still have time to sit and eat breakfast with her before the screaming from the nursery began. I preheated the oven and began making the mix. I saw smoke coming from one of the burners and we curious about the cause. I opened the oven to find about 8-10 inch flames. I stood there wondering what to do and then I remembered flour was sitting just to the right of me on the counter. I grabbed it and threw the whole thing of flour in the oven until it was gone... not enough. I still had some flames in the back so I had to close the oven and reach in the cabinet above for my backup flour that I bought just this week. That did the trick. Needless to say we had cereal this morning. I had to empty my hand held bag less vacuum twice getting the flour out of the oven. So yes if you have been keeping up with my blog I store things in my bathtub and I vacuum my oven. Only in the Craig house.
I opted not to trick or treat this year. My neck has decided to go out again and I have spent most of my time on pain killers and ice packs. Carrying two car seats and corralling a toddler just didn't appeal to me today. Mom came over and brought some chicken so I made some biscuits formed into pumpkins. We just did our trick or treating earlier at the zoo with the cousins. I don't need another excuse to have sugar in the house I am fattening up for winter just fine. After dinner we enjoyed watching the babies have tummy time. My how they are growing. Hope all had a Happy Halloween!

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