Monday, October 29, 2007

Neonatal Follow-up

Things that suck having twins at a doctor visit:

1. Twice the stuff to keep track of to bring with you.
2. Twice the paperwork with asking the same information. (as if paperwork isn't fun enough to fill out I have to fill out the SAME paper twice for separate files)
3. Twice the questions to ask and keep track of what questions belong to what babies.
4. Double co-pays OUCH!

Today was the doctor visit for their neonatal follow up. I just can't begin to praise the team connected with Norton enough. They have just been wonderful. I have been really concerned about Addison she just didn't seem to be keeping up with Anthony as far as development. The doctor took her time with me and answered all of my questions. Addison is doing very well actually. I am just needed to concentrate a lil more on "tummy time" so they can develop their upper body muscles. Addison is having a hard time moving her neck and tends to favor her left side. I am thinking because she was so low in the womb maybe her head was stuck to one side and she just needs to work the muscles a lil more. Doctor says that they are right where they need to be even in weight. Mr. Anthony is now 9lbs even and Addison is 8lbs 11oz. Needless to say we have no concerns about them growing. I am now able to give them cereal in their bottle to help with a possible acid reflex. Doctor says that will help them sleep through the night consistently. I have had 7 hours sleep twice this week and 5 1/2 to 6 the other nights. I am very proud! You are going to get a kick out of this though. I asked the doctor about Anthony's eyes he seems to have a dry skin issue right in the inside of his eyelids. The doctor told me he has a case of cradle cap. She said if I treat that the dry skin around the eyes will take care of themselves. Can you believe it?!?! I am a retired hairdresser and my son has dandruff! Go figure.

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