Sunday, March 23, 2008

I wish the bunny could bring my "Honey"

Easter is finally here! It doesn't quite feel like Easter time as far as the weather goes but we are wearing our dress for the second time today. We are going to get our moneys worth. Last night we went to Easter service. It was wonderful. They had two painters on stage doing a painting using white paint, with their hands while we were worshiping. There were two huge black canvases one on each side of the stage. After communion they came back out and added some red. I sat staring at these through the sermon trying to figure out what exactly they were. I figured out that they fit together somehow but couldn't make out what the image was. At the end of the service when we were singing our closing song they brought the painting together and attached them to wired to be raised into the air. They formed the face of Christ on the cross. It was beautiful! A very touching service.

James did not make it home Easter weekend. I am very sad about that. He took a load to Maryland and is stuck without a load home because of the businesses closing for Easter. He thought he had a load and they took it away from him because the delivery date was wrong. He isn't happy about this situation either. I hate when he isn't home and it is so hard when he is gone on the Holidays. It would be much better if he was working, but he is sitting in a parking lot in his truck just playing his PSP trying to kill time since Friday night waiting to pick up his load on Monday morning. He is alone and has to go into the Walmart is he needs to use the restroom. I don't know how he handles it. I am at home and it is killing me. OK I need to quit talking about it or I am going to start to cry.

This morning I awoke to Victoria jumping into bed telling me that the Easter bunny came last night. Apparently he came in wandered around the house with our bowl of carrots eating away when he got startled by something dropping the bowl right beside Victoria's door and dropping carrots in a path straight to her Easter basket. She was ecstatic! She cracked up! We called everyone we knew, it felt like, to tell them about the mess that the Easter bunny made. He even drew a Easter basket with Victoria's name in it outside on our driveway. He was quite busy while we were sleeping. He changed our wallpaper on our computer too. It had an Easter bunny with a basket that said Egg Hunt! I had Victoria come over to the computer to show her. I asked her what the computer said and she told me "Dear Victoria Happy Easter I broke your carrots up and threw them on the floor!" again laughing. I think she is going to remember this Easter.

Today Grandma Harb treated the family to dinner at Ceaser's. It was WONDERFUL. My sister and her family came too. James's mom works there so she waited to take her break until we got there so that she could see us. You should of seen her showing off her Grand babies. It was so cute. She was beaming and I have to admit so was I. They looked just too adorable today.

Just a side note tonight when I went outside to get my phone out of the car. I noticed something in the yard. I ran inside and told Victoria to get her slippers on and very quietly come outside. I took the flashlight this time. We both made it just in time to catch a bunny in the beam of the flashlight. I guess the Easter bunny came one last time to check on us knowing that Daddy wasn't home. At least that is what we believe.

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