Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I think that cancels it out

Today was filled with therapy, paperwork and a sweetly ended workout. Anthony's therapist came this morning and worked with Anthony (who by the way is up on all fours rocking back and forth now, just one step away from crawling) While here I had her take a look at Addison. She just isn't keeping up with her brother and I wanted her opinion on her. It is hard being a first time mom to know if Anthony is ahead or if she is behind. Turns out Anthony is right on target now and Addison is about 2 months behind developmentally in her gross and fine motor skills. So we are working on getting her evaluated for therapy too now. I am all about early intervention. Don't deny that there is a problem and address it immediately is my motto.

I also had someone at the house to fill out paperwork on yet another avenue for counseling with Victoria. I am not giving up on finding cheap affordable counseling for her. There HAS to be something out there! So I filled out a zillion forms with CAPS (Children and parents support) So keep your fingers crossed with me for some help on yet another road of possible assistance.

After all of the company in the house Victoria and I along with the babies headed over to Marlina and Travis's house to do some walking in the beautiful day today. The temps reached 60! The babies loved the fresh air and so did I. After working off calories we headed to Zesto's Ice cream bar. We completely killed our workout but OH MY GOSH IT WAS SOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!! Worth every bite. Zesto's is just the best. There is a new one opening up by their house and Marlina and I decided that we are going to camp out on the sidewalk the night before opening. We are going to have to test it out and make sure that the ice cream isn't poisonous. Safety first!

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