Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Rain Rain Go AWAY!

Today was the babies doc. visit. They were due for some more immunizations. They are doing well. This morning Miss Addison had a surprise for Mommy. While screaming as I put her into her car seat I noticed not one, but TWO lil Chicklet teeth peeking out at me. She cut her first tooth about 3 days ago and now she already has two! Man at this rate I better start a savings for braces. I couldn't believe it. She just looks too cute. She is very fussy though. I was warned about teething. I guess I am getting ready to find out.

Addison now weighs 15 lbs and Anthony weighs in at 14lbs. 2 oz.. Sissy is still ahead. Funny to think that she was just 3-14 at birth, almost over a pound behind bubby. She has really taken off and is growing so fast. I still have to shake myself sometimes at the thought of them being here all together. Some days it strikes me as odd that I am a mom.

Tonight was my first night of "Real moms" at church. What a wonderful group. There was about 150 of us there. They provided dinner (for us and the kiddos) , childcare, and a neat little craft to do. We made organizers by just folding a piece of poster board together and lacing ribbon through holes punched in the sides. I made one for Victoria for her door. I am calling it the "Reclaim the fridge" organizer. This will be used for all of the color pages and such that she wants to proudly display on the fridge on a daily basis.
I got to meet some really neat women and have some adult conversation. When it was finished I headed off to get the kiddos knowing that all I had to do was put Victoria in her pj's and my night was done! They were fed and so was I. I could watch my Big Brother in peace. I peeked in the playroom where Victoria was assigned just in time to see her smacking a little girl on the hand while they were playing with the toys. Ah back to reality! Gotta love motherhood!

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