Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thought some might find this amusing.

Here is a little insight into bed time at the Craig house. I have arranged their beds where I can see both of them without walking across the room. I stood in between the beds last night going back and forth between my son showing off his new trick (Getting on all fours and rocking back and forth until he starts to get tired and dives his face into the sheet hiding the fact that he is a thumb sucker) and my rotten daughter that cries when mommy isn't paying attention to her (she was a little fussier last night little did I know that she was popping that second tooth. Check out how Anthony's eyebrows turn into one line across his face when he is looking up checking to see if I am paying attention to him. I think he looks like Bert on Sesame Street with his uni brow. You know mommy is going to have to wax if he grows hair all the way across there.

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