Friday, March 21, 2008

Making sure Grandma Harb has a "Good Friday"

I rarely get a chance to show my mom how appreciative I am for all of her daily help. Whether it is a phone call for me to vent, or bringing groceries by, or helping me load up kiddos so that I can go the grocery store. My mom is amazing. It has taken us far too long to get to the point that we are at but I am so grateful that we have reached this point in our lives.

Today mom was suppose to come over so that I could do her hair. I pretty much had the house cleaned up so I decided to use my time turning our house into "Salon Craig" . I made a sign up and taped it on the window of the front door saying "Welcome to Salon Craig please come in and the receptionist will be right with you. " I grabbed Victoria and explained to her that we are turning the house into a salon and she lit up with excitement. I told her that she was going to work the front desk like her friend Leslie did at my last salon. I told her she was going to have to get dressed. She wanted to put on her Cinderella dress but when I asked her what color you wear when you work in a salon, without hesitation she answered "BLACK!". So we ran in her room and put on all black clothes and topped it off with an updo, clip earrings, and an array of accessories. I got brave and took her into my bathroom and put makeup on her (something I hadn't done in about a week on myself but here I am putting it on my 4 year old). I coached her on what to say when Grandma comes and told her to offer her some tea and a snack while dinner was getting ready. We also hid some lotion and cooling gel in our cabinet in the living room so that she could help Grandma take her shoes off and rub her feet. After several run throughs she had it down pat and was waiting at the door for Grandma to get here.

Mom walked through the door and Victoria was amazing. She lead her to the couch (waiting area) and asked her what her name was before she highlighted her name on the "appointment book" located on the end table. She brought her the ice tea and crackers with cheese, and began to remove Grandma's shoes. At this point mom was crying she was so touched by my little one pampering her. Grandma snacked on her crackers while Victoria rubbed her feet and legs with cooling gel and Grandma cracked up when Victoria had extra lotion on her hands and decided to just rub it into herself. Victoria did step out of character when she asked Grandma if her crackers were good. When Grandma assured her that they were and asked her if she would like some she plopped right down on the couch and began to eat every cracker. What a nut! We set up a tray and Victoria brought Grandma her lunch. I made Fettucini Alfredo with broccoli and grilled chicken. I was "amazing" Victoria got to bring her Dora table out in the living room to eat with us and thought she was hot stuff.

Mamaw and Papaw came and got Victoria for some play time outside with her bike and left me and mom alone with the bambinos to do her hair. Anthony laid on the floor of the living room watching me put foils in Grandma's hair. Dad came by and visited and played with the babies. Mom's hair turned out beautiful.

After hair we decided to get out of the house. After a failed attempt to find cheap crib sheet at Value City we headed to Sonic for a corndog. It was one of the best times I have ever had with mom. My stomach still hurts from laughing!

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