Monday, July 13, 2009

Oh how I love Mondays

Bible study is going so well. I love this study by Priscilla Shirer called Diserning the voice of God. Such good stuff. I have learned so much just 3 short weeks into it, and God has revealed alot to me while doing the work through it. I had never had the courage to EXPECT God to speak to me. In the back of my mind I have always placed God far away, he died for me so he didn't want to be bothered with day to day stuff in my life. He wanted a relationship with me but it would be a long distance one. And when I pray I always thought that I would throw up my requests to him and never expected a reply. He was busy with other things and didn't have time to get back with me. I now see evidence of God speaking all along. Funny how when the veil is lifted off of your eyes how clear things look. It has really changed my prayer life a lot along with how I view my relationship with him. He is much closer now that I have opened up my arms to him instead of keeping him at arms length. Such awesome stuff! Plus we have an awesome table. We have us youngins (I am going to put myself in that group. It is my blog I can if I want to *wink*) and we have two ladies that I just adore that are in their 70s. One is a long time Christian and one is a baby Christian. So amazing to hear there insight on what we are learning about. I truly treasure our time together.

I also love my Leslie Mondays. We haven't had a chance to hang out alone for a while to catch up and it was so nice. She has a new boyfriend, and I love hearing about it. She is really smitten with this one and he treats her wonderfully. So well deserved and long time coming. He is a doll! I hope the best for them.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I did this study. So, so good. Especially in trying to learn to distinguish between hearing and listening to my voice instead of God's if that makes sense. Glad you're doing it!