Saturday, July 25, 2009

Procrastination in starting a lonely weekend.

Here we are again it is Saturday and my husband isn't home. I hate that! He is in Pennsylvania (I believe) and is isn't able to move till Sunday night, due to his log book. It really sticks when he is gone, but I especially hate it when he is stuck in his truck when it isn't moving. It is very frustrating for him too.

I do have some exciting things going on. Monday we have a trip planned to Holiday World. I haven't been in FOREVER! I believe it has been over 10 years. Victoria went a year or two ago with Grandma and Aunt Punkin so this year Mommy and the twins are joining on the festivities. I haven't told Victoria about it yet. The only thing that she knows is there is a HUGE surprise in her near future if she "plays her cards right" as she says. She is very intrigued.

In learning how to better discern God's voice I am hearing some things that are very exciting. I know he is always working, but I believe that I being prepared for something, in the line of ministry. I am trying not to get ahead of God but just wanted to ask for prayer about this. I need for God's vision to be clearer and for negativity to be far away from me while I explore what God is cooking up. It is very coincidental and scary how things are lining themselves out. I am kind of in one of those "Who me??" moments.

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