Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"Uh Oh Boot"

Anthony spent some time in his bed reading one of his Favorite "boots" (books). I was in my bedroom getting ready to start folding laundry. From my monitor I hear "Uh oh boot". I wander into the nursery to find Anthony standing in his bed with shreads of paper from the spine of his board book all over his bed. He stood up telling me over and over "Uh oh boot". I picked up the book confetti in his bed and placed the "boot" on top of the dresser. He did surprisingly well, and didn't cry when I took it away. From now on I believe that "boot" time will be supervised. That child loves his "boots".

On a great note. I just got an anticipated call from Mom. My sister just got news that her 3rd pathology report came back clean. Hooray!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Hey! You could look at it that he is "exploring" it. As a teacher, I'm glad you give him books. . .:-)