Friday, August 21, 2009

First full week over!

Victoria has completed her first full week of Kindergarten. She is still in love with school and comes home daily with stories that make me laugh. I try to get to the computer to get them down before they fall out of my brain, but most fall out.

In working on her homework last night we were working on equal parts. They showed people sitting at a table and 3 different plates of food. We had to pick the one with the amount of food that would give the people equal parts, you get the idea.

The first one was easy. 3 people 3 scrambled eggs. Then we got a little more complicated......3 people and the correct answer was 6 cookies. Victoria looked at the page baffled. There wasn't an option with 3 things on a plate so she was stumped. I tried my best to help her figure it out. About 5 minutes of explaination of 3 items not being the only answer I tried to get her to think about the situation. It went a little something like this...

Me: "OK Victoria, listen, There are 3 people right? They all want more than one cookie. What would THAT mean?" (thinking this would lead her to her saying they want 2 cookies!)

Victoria: "Well, it would mean that they were still hungry after they ate their first cookie."

My hats off to teachers. I don't know how you do it all day long. I am frustrated after 5 minutes of Kindergarten homework. You are under underpaid!

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