Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The "official" tour

Victoria and I went today to her school to see her classroom and get our tour. Her teacher is SUPER nice! I believe her and Victoria are going to get along just fine. Victoria and I went on a scavenger hunt of the school. We had to find the toilet, cafeteria, water fountain and other things that will be important to know in her school. I thought it was a really cute idea. When we finished our assignment Victoria got a gift bag with all of these items and this letter:

Dear Little Frog,
Welcome to Kindergarten! I am so happy that you re int my class this year. You are officially a part of the new school family at Grant Line Elementary School. This is a special care package I made just for you! This is what each item means:

1. Starburst- You are a star in my class!
2. Eraser-Remember it is OK to make mistakes. Even grown-ups learn from our mistakes.
3. Smarties-You are going to get even smarter this year!
4. Hug-We all need a hug sometimes. If you need one at school, I'll always have one waiting just for you.
5. Sticker-To remind you that we all stick together in Room 7!
6. Lifesavers-To help you remember that you can come to any adult in our school family if you need someone to talk to.
7. Cotton ball-So you know Kindergarten is a warm, cozy place!
8. Tissue-To let you know that I will always dry your tears if you need me to!
9. Ribbon-To remind you that friendship ties our hearts together and we are all friends in Kindergarten.
10. Gummy bears-Because Kindergarten is like you Beary Nice!
11. Kindergarten Pencil-Because I am so glad you are here!

I thought that was so cute. We left her classroom and did a walk through of her morning 3 times to make sure that she is familiar with where to go and how to find her classroom. I am very proud of her. I am very excited for her and I have to admit for myself too. 2 more days!!!

1 comment:

Jill said...

Fun! Sounds like she has a very caring teacher. I have done the bags and scavenger hunt thing at our Open House. They are always a hit. :-)