Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Let's hop on out of here.

Anthony is doing much better. He still is running a very low grade fever but no blisters are showing up on him and that is a good thing. Having trouble getting him to eat but mashed potatoes fixed that right up. I had to do that myself, I feel like I am swallowing glass.

Victoria's teacher has a really neat blog that she keeps for her parents. I am not sure if this is normal for Kindergarten teachers but it is great! She will remind us of homework assignments that "should" make their way home and other tidbits of the day. She has been keeping us informed on a special friend that she purchased for her classroom. Her room is decorated in frogs ( A woman after my own heart ) and she had ordered an albino frog for a classroom pet.

I saw the look on Victoria's face when she got off of the bus and knew that I was about to hear something funny. She opened up the car door and said "APPARENTLY, our surprise hopped off!". I checked the blog to find that Mrs. Anderson put the frog in her classroom last night and it escaped the cage before the kids came in the morning and is nowhere to be found.

On a different note. I am not going to be touching any bottles any time soon. After my mishap with the fabric softener, I gave all of the kids a bath (with my rubber gloved, blistered hands) and was doing Victoria's hair. I had my bottle of BED HEAD Creative Genius tipped over and was squeezing it in my hand when the entire bottle shattered in my hand. I had hair gel, let me rephrase that, super strong hold hair gel on my vanity, bathtub, shirt, pants, feet, mirror, wall, hairdryer, basket of clean towel, and carpet. If anyone needs me you will find me hiding under my bed till my husband comes home. LOL! No really, I am surviving just putting one foot in front of the other.

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