Sunday, December 27, 2009

Addison Pee Pee'd on the Potty!!

I took a shot at introducing the potty to A&A again.  Addison pulled her diaper off and had a seat.  Within 5 minutes I heard it and started having a party.  She sure did.  #1 on the potty.  We all hurried into the bathroom to cheer her on.  She put on some panties, and wore them for a while until she pee'd through them.  Apparently she pee'd later on this evening at Mamaw's while she watched them for us for a few hours.  I think we may have one that is ready.  It does make me nervous because her favorite part is the wiping.  You all have seen what she can do with a box of Kleenex.  I may have to stock up.

On a different note.  James and I got out of the house for a few hours alone.  This was the first time in 3 months.  The last time was for a wedding of James' best friends daughter. We get childcare at church and that is the ONLY time we get just the two of us around other adults. It was SO nice.  Those of you that get a chance to go out and have date night with your husband, or go to the grocery store alone, or get a chance to just wander around town without buckling a car seat, treasure it!  If only for a few hours.  If you husband gets to come home at the end of the day and not the end of the week give him an extra squeeze.  Heck if you husband comes home at the end of the week give him TWO extra squeezes.

 We met up with Mom and Dad and watched Avatar.  Good movie.  Of course I could have just sat and watched commercials for 3 hours and been just as happy.  I was in a dark room with no kids to watch.  BLISS! I used to take the fact that I could pick up and go see a movie for granted.  James and I was thinking while sitting there and figured out that the last movie we had been out to see was Up.  I just checked and that was released in May!  That is 7 months folks!  Wow, glad we picked a movie that is 3 hours long, we needed to make up for lost time.  We did enjoy it and glad we decided to go 3D.  Great to have time with my husband out.

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