Thursday, December 10, 2009

Oh Deer!

  I ended up going to talk with the Principle about the "incident" yesterday with Victoria.  Didn't get anywhere.  I was assured that they took things "very serious" and explained that this little boy has a team of people working with him and "they" had set a consequence for him.  I spoke with Victoria's teacher about it afterwards and was told that she gets more support from the teachers than she does from the office staff. Such a shame.  Just let me state that if this happens again, it will not be pretty.

Mom came over to watch A&A  for me while I took Victoria to school and when I got home we played like we were all 2 years old.  Mom and I were crawling around on the floor, we were playing hide and go seek and running laps in my living room.  The twins were getting such a kick out of us.  Anthony took it upon himself to open up the fridge and get out the break and bake "Kitmat Tee" cookies hand them to me and ask for one.  I ended up getting a cookie sheet and mom and I sat on the floor in the middle of our colors that we just finished playing with, and had A&A put the cookies on the cookie sheet.  They were doing great taking turns.  I would hand one to Addison she would put it on the sheet. I would hand one to Anthony and he would put one on the sheet.  I turned back to Addison and she had taken her cookie off of the sheet and had taken a big bite out of it.  She looked so darn cute, and surprised that they tasted just as good without cooking them.  You all know what happened next. Anthony got a glimpse of what Sissy was doing and he had one shoved in his mouth too.

Mom and I packed them up and we hit Walmart we had fun wandering around the children's department looking at Christmas outfits.  Mom found Addison this super cute black sweatshirt with a purple glitter dear on it that say "Oh Dear!"  She was upset that she couldn't find one for Anthony but got the one for Addison.  I can't wait to see it on her.

  After Walmart we headed to the Chinese buffet down the road.  Mom and I were leery of taking the twins there to eat.  We were surprised that they had as much stuff for the kiddos.  They had some french fries, of course sweet and sour chicken, cucumbers, and some other things that the kids enjoyed.  Anthony finished off his meal with red jello.  Most of you keep up with my blog and have read the one of us wheeling Anthony into the bathroom after he threw up all over the place in McDonalds.  Well we have now "christened" the dining room, and bathroom at the Chinese Buffet too.  This time was worse than the other, we'll just leave it at that.  Mom and I stood in the bathroom trying our best to clean everything up.  Anthony stood there wandering around in his diaper and black tennis shoes just watching the show.  Mom and I look at each other and say "What are we going to put him in?  It was VERY cold and VERY windy outside and I again had a naked kid to get to my car.  "Oh wait!  Addison's sweatshirt!"  Anthony walked into the restaurant with a black and red manly basketball warm up suit, and left wearing only his light green socks (that he insisted on wearing), his black tennis shoes, and a black sweatshirt with a glittery lilac deer on it appropriately with the words "Oh Deer!" written on it.  Bare little legs strutting out of the bathroom were cracking me up.  I am troubled now.  He has seen the shirt on him and now is going to think that it is his.  I have a feeling that there are going to be screams when I try to put it on Addison later.

Mom and I got back home and rested a bit after getting Anthony in the bathtub and getting Victoria off of the bus.  We started on her hair. Victoria was a big help handing me foils and "checking in" my client. 

While Mom was processing we did a little bit of crafting on the living room floor.  We made these cut pipe cleaner snowflake ornaments.  We all sat on the floor singing Christmas Carols threading clear beads on white pipe cleaners, laughing hysterically. 

I ended up hanging them above Victoria's wreath in her room along with some other ornaments and such.  Victoria was excited to see them hanging from her ceiling when she got home  from school today.

1 comment:

Jill said...

I'm trying for the mental image here. Priceless.