Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve Festivities

Christmas Eve brought craziness and great times! We ran late for service and was unable to sit in the sanctuary so into the overflow we went. Service was really nice. Mom will be relentlessly teased about saying "That was the most beautiful song I have ever seen!" and we topped off the night searching for someplace to eat that was open after church. We settled on Burger King. There we all were sitting in our Christmas best, eating a Whopper. The kids didn't care who saw them as long as they were being seen. We topped off the night with my fourth trip to Charlestown to see the lights and show Dad and James.

Victoria throwing Reindeer food on the roof.

Addison showing off her dress and pony tails.

The only way I could get Anthony to sit still for a picture.  He looked so sharp.

Victoria in her Mrs. Santa Claus outfit.  Don't forget the very important shoes that make noise when you walk in them.

Big thank you hug for the traditional Christmas eve PJ's.  Gotta love fuzzy pajama pants.

Addison taking her time, Anthony not...

Me trying to get a pic with all of my kids.

Addison refused to go to sleep.  At 11pm I went in and tried to get her to lay down.  She gave me this look and told me in a very polite but firm way, "No".  I told her that if she didn't go to sleep that Santa couldn't bring presents, she looked at me and said in her most pitiful voice "I sick".  The child is not sick, been doing just fine, and continues to be fine.  Just one of her bargaining tactics.  I had to control my laughter on that one.  She was trying so hard to just stay up.  Now our ongoing joke this week is "Addison can't she is sick.".

Anthony was holding firm as I was dealing with Addison my "sick" child.  Until he heard me over his bed with my camera.  His cover of pretending to be asleep was blown. 

1 comment:

Jill said...

What gorgeous kiddoes (and mommy!). I sick, too. Can I get out of some laundry, dishwashing, and cleaning?! ; )