Sunday, December 6, 2009

Charlestown wins!

Tonight I met Victoria in the driveway when Tina dropped her off.  She looked me up and down, saw my leopard print pj bottoms and slippers and knew it could only mean one thing.....CHRISTMAS LIGHTS!  I had her run in the house and put on her zip up one piece pajamas and slippers and we were off.  This trip was special because we had someone special people coming with us and a special mission.  Jill Pennington, an old friend of mine, and her son "Baby Kade" we on the mission with us for the best Christmas light display in the area.  I read an idea on Family to create an award certificate for the house with the best Christmas lights.  When you find it, you get out of the car knock on their door and hand them their award.  We thought it was cute so we did it tonight. 

After getting Kade buckled into the middle seat in between A&A with Victoria in the back seat we headed off.  We had heard that Charlestown was the place to go.  Jill and I had little faith that we could see some "good lights" in Charlestown but gave it a shot anyway.  We were pleasantly surprised. Their town square was lit up quite nicely and set to music.  We pulled up, set the radio and then we heard it.....Magic Carpet Ride.  Not your typical Christmas music but our eyes lit up because that is one of our favorite songs to jam to in the car. Victoria recognized it right off the bat, and I couldn't resist.  I pulled her out of the back seat and we stood outside and danced on the sidewalk.  Need I remind you that we are all in our pj's (a tradition) and Jill even has a festive Santa hat on.  People must have thought that we were nuts, but we were having a good time.   We did pass out our awards to two different houses.  Neither of them were home to our delight.  We didn't want the cops called on us.  Knocking on people's doors in pajamas to hand out a fake award might freak some people out.  We left the award on their doorstep and headed back home.  So much fun to get to spend time with friends.  Addison got a kick out of sitting next to "Baby Kade".  We heard her jabbering behind us.  I turned on the dome light to find Addison holding Kades hand, rubbing on his fingers, just chattering away to him. It brought tears to my eyes.  My kids just adores him.  I love being at an age where I can watch my kids bond with my friends kids.  Such a unique experience.

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