Thursday, December 17, 2009

That's what it's all about!

Nope we are not talking about the "Hokey Pokey". Before bedtime tonight Victoria and I sat on the living room floor and wrapped her gifts for her teachers and her "girl" present for school tomorrow.  After completing that task with Victoria's help picking out what wrapping paper she wanted on what gift, we moved along to another set of special gifts.  This year at Church we started a campaign called "One less gift".  Many groups at church as buying one less gift this year and donating the money that would be spent on that gift to Help Heal Haiti, one of our many missions at Northside to help provide clean drinking water.  This idea has caught on like wildfire. One middle school boy told his parents that he didn't want anything at all for Christmas and wanted all of his Christmas to go to Haiti.  One boy made that decision and that one decision made a $500 donation.  What a giving heart at such a young age.

Our team leaders in Large Group are doing our one less gift for a family in our church that is struggling financially and we have all decided to help them out with Christmas for them this year.  I was in charge of getting a toy for the two girls.  Victoria and I wrapped the gifts for the little girls tonight after her school ones.  She asked who these gifts were for.  I explained the situation to her, and asked her if she would like to help me pray over the toys.  She gave her most heartfelt prayer of thanks for Jesus and his death allowing us a chance to go to Heaven.  She asked that the little kids smile when they see their presents and that they like playing with them.  She also asked that they have a very special Christmas.  As if that didn't have me misty eyed, I asked her what paper she wanted to use, she got up and grabbed her special Tinkerbell wrapping paper that she bought to set out for Santa to pick up and asked me she could share her paper.  I couldn't be prouder!  THAT folks is what Christmas is all about.  Sharing your Tinkerbell wrapping paper.


Jill said...

I am crying. Thanks for sharing. You give Miss Victoria a hug and kiss from Jill. What a beautiful lesson to learn at her age.

Anonymous said...

I love that. You sure do know how to get a girl's misty.