Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Where the heck ya been Kel?

Well to be honest been busy. I thought I would have so much time with Victoria being out of school on vacation, that wasn't exactly the case. School has had Victoria rotten with having something to do all of the time during the day so it took a little extra effort to keep her entertained. Here are some of the things that we did during our break.

I hope that this doesn't offend anyone (Yes, that is what you think it is.)
but I had to take a picture of the pride and complete lack of care she had for the fact that we had to clean this up. To all of my friends that are new moms out there, THIS is your future. :)

-We collected pine cones and created a peacock, and turkey out of them with pipe cleaners and some glitter (what was I thinking?) and gave them to Aunt Punkin and Gramma Harb for Thanksgiving. I spent the rest of the day quoting Christmas Vacation "Lot of sap!"

-We had a GREAT time at my sister's for Thanksgiving. Great food and so nice to have the family together. James made it in time for dinner. He was on his way on the busiest travel day from Jersey. He ended up driving his semi to my sister's house and my sister was kind enough to let him grab a shower when he got there. He didn't have a chance to get one in his mad dash home for turkey.

-Victoria's two front teeth are starting to poke through. We are both so excited about that! We get asked all of the time what happened to all of her teeth. I hope this gives her an extra boost of confidence.

-We put our Christmas decorations up this year! We opted not to last year due to lack of room and our monkeys would have destroyed it. The kids are amazed by Christmas lights this year. Anthony is always pointing out "Kitmat Tees" and "Ights". I just couldn't resist. We drug out the tree and have our baby gate surrounding it. Everyone of the kids were full of excitement to see it go up. We even decorated outside too. We found this handy remote control that you can use to turn the lights on and off from the comfort of your couch. You may call us lazy I call us warm.

I am not really sure that you need to have sunglasses on upside down to look at a Christmas tree, but Anthony thought that they were a necessity!

I really wish that all of the kids were turned around to see their faces but this gives you a good visual of Anthony in his winter coat this year. He will not let another one touch his body. Disney Cars all of the way! Doesn't matter how warm it still may be outside THIS is the coat he wants to wear. Notice the mittens hanging from the sleeves. Anyone that has ever met my son knows that he goes nowhere slowly. So picture him flying up and down my driveway yelling "Kitmat Tee, Kitmas Tee" with his arms swinging wildly and mitten flinging around like Nunchucks. Absolutely hilarious! Victoria got a kick out of leading her brother and sister out to see the lights.

-Brooklyn came over this weekend on Thanksgiving night. On Friday morning she proceeded to lose her breakfast all over our bathroom, and I mean ALL OVER the bathroom. This leads me to my next event of the weekend.

-Anthony had yet another trip to the ER on Friday night for Croup. He couldn't breathe and after two doses of Steroids through a nebulizer and one injection of steroids he was doing fine. Just a 3 1/2 hour stay and the ER was surprisingly empty. The nurses continue to get a kick out of his screaming when they give him a breathing treatment, take his temp, or give him a shot only to be smiled at and waved to with a "Kank you!" as they leave. Not sure if he is thanking them for the meds or the fact that they are leaving.

-James took all of the kids except Anthony the following day to his folks for Craig Thanksgiving. Anthony and I hung out here at home and had a picnic in the living room floor with Bologna sandwiches and "ssships" (chips) while watching Alice in Wonderland. Nice to have time alone with my boy.

-James took Brooklyn home and Addison lost her dinner all over my back seat on the way home, and got sick two more times in her bed once home. He called to let me know that he was heading back to his folks to clean up what he could of it. When he hit the door Victoria came running in crying and got sick too. Luckily she made it to the restroom and has a better aim than her older sister. :)

-Monday brought us back to an early morning and regular schedule. Victoria's psychiatrist app. and Leslie day. You just can't go wrong with a Leslie day. She met me to hang out with the little ones while Victoria and I were at her appointment. Glad she helped out because Dr. Berry was running an hour behind. Don't know how I would have handled them in that closet of a waiting room for an hour.

Now the kids seem to be doing better. Everyone kept their food down tonight except me, but even I seem to be doing alright now. I just had another night of sweetness after Anthony and Addison's bath. I had them all dried off and asked them if they wanted a book or puzzles before bed. Anthony and Addison both yelled "Pudgles!" I smiled and said "Alrighty then we will go read a book" knowing that wasn't what they said. Anthony crouched down with his hands on his knees, raised his eyebrows (just like I do when I am trying to get them to understand something), got eye to eye with me and said "No book Mommy. No book, Mommy pudgles." He grabbed my hand and led me to his room where the pudgles are. They got along so good well and Anthony even let Addison have the first turn putting the pudgles pieces in. Such a good brother, even though in a fit he chucked her ravioli bowl, that was full, on my kitchen rug. They can't all be perfect moments. :)

1 comment:

Jill said...

Good to have an update, girl! I'm loving all the narrating and finding out the scoop in the Craig house. ;-)