Monday, December 3, 2007

Salt dough and the smile that will melt your heart

Didn't I tell ya? She is my smiling machine! Man she has been smiling all day. I think it has something to do with the fact that Christmas is just around the corner. I am so glad that I finally got the shot after many attempts. Check out those cheeks. Lil Miss Addison Marie is going to be my chatterbox too. She is always cooing and yelling at the TV. She and bubby are now behind me watching Santa Clause the movie.
Today turned out to be craft day. I broke out the old salt dough and made ornaments. I remember mom and I doing that one year when I was a kid. Victoria couldn't' believe that I let her play with something that resembled Play-Dough without putting a tarp down first. I have found myself to be taking a more relaxed approach to parenting.
I really wanted to go to church today but James left early this morning for work and it was pouring rain so that meant that we stay home. I haven't quite figured out how to get into church while raining heavy. I guess I could just pull up to the door and drop them off with the first person in church I see and say "Hey watch them for a sec while I park the car." I guess I could do something like that and then just go to the mall for about an hour and a half without a 10 foot long stroller.

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