Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Eve Suprise

The kids were pleasantly surprised when they awoke to more presents under the tree. They were under the assumption that Dad and I were getting them Visa Gift cards to go shopping. Instead we decided that we wanted to see them open their gifts that they wanted to buy with their gift cards. So Makenzie was thrilled when she opened her ipod nano, and Brooklyn her camera. Victoria became a complete basket case when she opened up her present from Santa (her Fisher price doll set with Rainforest design) She even remembered that it was wrapped in the paper that Santa picked up earlier in the week.
After taking the kids home I tried to find places for the new stuff in our let's just say petite lil home. It is official we have outgrown our home! In the middle of the madness of trying to rearrange Victoria's room to find more space for things, mom called and told me to get dressed because she was surprising us and watching the kids so that James and I could go see a movie. We were beside ourselves! I hurried up and pretty much threw the rest of the stuff in Victoria's room and grabbed my dress sweatpants. ha ha. We went to see National Treasure. Very good movie and we got tickled at the animated short of Goofy doing a remarkably good impression of my husband at Best Buy. It was great to sit in a theatre just to the two of us with our popcorn. Thanks mom.

James unfortunately had to leave tonight. I tucked lil notes in his bag for the truck and stashed my dough art ornament from our family ones that I made into his bag too with a note saying "This way I can be with you on Christmas" It really sucked that he had to leave. It was hard for both of us to say goodbye. At least he isn't leaving in snow.

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