Sunday, December 23, 2007

Ready, Set, Go!!

Let's just say I had to pry Anthony out of Aunt Punkins hands when it was time to go tonight. You can see that Anthony is really nervous about the outcome of this situation.

Today was the big day of celebrating with both families. First we headed to James parents to enjoy traditional Christmas dinner with Ham and every side dish imaginable. Food was great and so was the company. The kids opened a pile of presents and the babies got lots of attention as well. As always it was nice to have family around to celebrate with. James Aunt Dorthy came and gave the babies two wonderful quilts to keep them warm this holiday.

We rushed back home and grabbed the salad to take to my parents house. Mom decided to have Lasagna for dinner to switch things up a bit. Food was delicious and a nice change from the traditional. After many family pictures we headed to the grub. My sister made this incredible dessert from Krispy Kreme doughnuts and Rum. HELLO! You had me at Krispy Kremes. It was AMAZING!! Much props to sis. The kids opened up gifts and dad played a lil thumb style guitar for the kids. You don't have to watch all of Addison's (it can get a lil long watching it if you are not her mother ooohing and aaaahing over your own child) but be sure to watch Anthony you can see his reactions is quite different to my dads playing than Addison's is. I think I am going to have to buy her a mini pink guitar for the future. Seeing as how she never takes her eyes off of Grandpa's left hand.

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