Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Doing the wave

Today was a very happy day! Mamaw and Papaw asked if they could keep Victoria for me tonight and I jumped all over it. My friend Leslie, that I used to work with, called and we decided to go do some Christmas shopping. I checked the mail early this morning and found a Christmas check for the babies and I from my aunt and my Granny so off to the stores I go! I didn't stop from 2-12 with one quick stop to the house for a feeding because I ran out of premade bottles.

The babies got toys, their first pair of mittens with matching toboggan, and these really cool sooth and sounds thing from Fisherprice that attaches to the side of their crib that has all kinds of flashing lights and has a built in projector that puts teddy bears and such on the ceiling. VERY COOL! When I got home daddy was there he was able to stay for the night, always a nice surprise, he was feeding Anthony while I was figuring out how to put the show on the ceiling. I finally got it working and turned out the lights where it would be more visible. Anthony just looked up amazed with a "What the heck ?!?!?" look on his face. He gets very serious look to him when he tries to figure something out. James calls him Winston Churchill.

I took Leslie back to her car later this evening and had to do a quick diaper change in the Santa Depot parking lot where we left her car for our first stop. When the diaper change was complete I handed her to Leslie so she could get some last minute snuggling in before I strapped her back in her car seat with her brand new, just purchased, fancy Rainforest mirrors placed on the headrest of the backseat. Leslie reluctantly handed her back to me and started waving to her saying goodbye. I couldn't' believe it Addison waved back. Granted it wasn't a "Hey see ya later!" kind of a thing but she definitely opened and closed her hand over and over like we were to her. We tried it quite a few times just to make sure we weren't imagining it. But we were correct. MY BABY GIRL GAVE HER FIRST WAVE! Of course it was followed by tears from me AND Leslie. She can quit growing now! Mommy can't handle this. It is moving way too fast, but this phase that we are entering into is oh so much fun. I have to go and record it in her baby book now.

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