Sunday, December 30, 2007

New services offered by AT&T

This is a pg-13 entry!

It is official I need a new phone. It plummeted to its death a couple of days ago when trying to get out of the car in the rain. It seemed to fall in slow motion, I knew it would be the end. James took me and the babies with Victoria to AT&T to pick out a new phone. I needed one with blue tooth to help make my life a lil easier than searching for the phone when someone calls.

When we got there we were the only ones that were not employees. I was really glad they were not busy and set up the "daycare area" over by the bench and proceeded to browse the phones. I decided to just take James old Razor and let him pick something out he liked. I didn't need all the fancy smancy features so I just sat on the bench with the kids because the store was starting to get a lil busy and I didn't want the babies or Victoria to get rowdy.

About the time I got settled into my bench and James had decided on a phone a man entered the store obviously upset. The very kind AT&T lady asked him if she could help him. He proceeded to go into a story of how his phone doesn't work anymore and his wife was under the impression that she had insurance on the two phones that she purchased at the time. He purchased the phone over a year and a half ago and didn't see that there was only one insurance charge on his bill in that amount of time. Basically he didn't have a leg to stand on without his contract and the time that had past. "Why would she put insurance on one phone and not on the other?!?!?" The employee explained different reasons why people choose to do that with one and not the other. The man obviously upset answered every statement that she made with "Why would I want to do that?!?"

The store got rather quiet with everyone "pretending" not to listen in on their conversation when all of a sudden she received a call on her cell phone. Her ringer was not turned off and her ring tone was a rather let's just say "suggestive" ring tone of nothing but moans and groans and grunting. She VERY QUICKLY grabbed her phone to silence it because the volume of the ring (if you want to call it that) filled the store. It immediately rang again. I was giving it everything that I had not to lose it there on my bench with my 15 children. I couldn't anymore. I laughed right out loud. It couldn't have been timed any better. Everyone in the store kinda looked at each other in a " OH MY GOSH!" kind of look not knowing to laugh or to ignore the situation seeing as though the sales lady was turning a shade of crimson. The man finally gave up his battle and left the store. His scene that he was trying to make in the store was stolen by a ring tone. As soon as the door shut behind him the whole store cracked up ( about 12-15 people at this point). She quickly explained that the guys in the store put that ring tone on her phone last night , without her knowledge, to play a trick on her husband. She had forgotten about it and wish she hadn't. It was one of the funniest things that I have experienced in a AT&T store.

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