Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Victoria came running into our bedroom with Brooklyn to give daddy his fathers day gift. We covered a Similac can with pics of her and daddy together so that daddy can use it to keep his spare change in the semi. Brooklyn brought a stack of coloring pages that she made for daddy. We decided to go to the drive in to watch Kung Fu Panda. I asked mom if she would like to go and she said that she would think about it. I decided to call her while Addison was screaming and crying (her teeth) and told her that she was crying so hard because I just told her that Grandma Harb isn't coming tonight. Worked like a charm, she was at our house within an hour ready to go.

James had rough week this week. His father's day weekend started with a seat belt violation and a long long week working. Our oldest decided the her social life was more important than family on this father's day weekend and threw a pool party for her friends. Needless to say it put a damper on the "family time". We headed to the drive in around 7:00 when we normally get there on the weekends. Well the gate was closed and locked and no sign of anyone in the ticket booth. I walked past the gate and up the concession stand to find one of the workers. She told me that they probably wouldn't open the gate until 8:30. We all kinda stared at each other and wondered what to do with the extra hour and a half that we found ourselves with. We were quickly provided with something to do, FIX MOM'S FLAT TIRE! Apparently mom's valve stem had dry rotted and her tire wasn't holding air at all. So my loving husband got to change a tire on Father's day. Hooray for him! He was wonderful and had it fixed in about 5 minutes.

We made our way back to the drive in and enjoyed a very funny movie. It is going to be one to buy when it comes out. Anthony started to show us his dance moves. He has become a head banger. Him and daddy danced to the music while we waited for the show to start. I am goin to have to get some video of it. Our little "Boogie Bear" is turning into a boogie man.

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