Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Souls and Smores

MONDAY!!!!! Love them. Leslie surprised us with dinner of marinated pork chops and chicken and this amazing spinach dip and Hawaiian bread. Smores were the main course though. I plugged in my fondue pot that Travis and Marlina got us and we were set. Have you ever had marshmallows dipped in melted chocolate rolled in graham cracker crumbs? Yummy!

We watched Dane Cooks new DVD and Anchorman and laughed till our sides hurt. When the night came to a close we sat on the swing outside and got into a deep conversation about the study that Southeast is doing called Heaven. She was sharing with me the things that she had learned so far about how personal and amazing that Heaven is going to be. I think I am going to join her tomorrow and continue on with the rest of the study.

She is going to the faces of Christ retreat in July. I have been praying about it and praying for the ability to go. I have had many friends that have been and talked about what a life changing experience it is. I feel like I am starting to come to terms with where I am in life. I am becoming more content with not working outside of the home and this beautiful weather that we have been having is helping us get out of the house more and not feel so trapped in a tomb. I feel like I am embracing my role as a mother more and appreciating all that comes with it. I feel a healing take place and a lengthening of my fuse. :) I feel really ready to get even closer to God and find even more peace. I feel like God is leading me to do this. I am just needing everything to fall into place with the kids not having mommy to watch them along with financially responsibilities. I hope that things work out... fingers crossed.

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