Saturday, June 14, 2008

Mommy's little entrepreneur

Today is the big day we are officially having a yard sale.... and people are coming. Victoria is so excited. Earlier today she wanted to go over the the neighbor's house to say hello. I let her go and she came back with a Batman wallet that she talked the neighbor into buying her for a quarter. I explained to her that we don't go over to other people's houses and have them buy us stuff. After the conversation I enjoyed watching her play "yard sale" with all of her toys opening and closing her wallet to pretend that she was paying for merchandise. About an hour or two later a girl came up and was making her purchases and saw Victoria's wallet. She went nuts (she was a VERY retro type of girl) she asked Victoria if she was selling that wallet because she loved it. Victoria said "SURE!" When asked how much she wanted for it she said "$7.00" The girl laughed and said "How about a dollar?" Victoria said OK and took the dollar. I couldn't believe my eyes! Did my little girl just con someone into buying her something for a quarter and then turn around and sell it for a dollar?!?!? Ha tell me the girl isn't smart! About an hour after that our neighbor came over to check out our baby clothes. Victoria met them at the end of the driveway. They chatted for a bit and Victoria came to meet me at the swing. She leaned over and spoke quietly out of the corner of her mouth "Don't worry I didn't' tell her that I sold that wallet!"

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