Tuesday, June 10, 2008

One person's trash is another's treasure and one persons obstacle course is anothers purchases.

Today after bible study I headed over to Mamaw and Papaw's house to drop off Victoria so that Grandma Harb and I could concentrate on the babies at their 9 month check up....that is soooo hard to believe. Where did the time go? While heading off to the doctor I caught a glimpse of something that I knew would make Victoria smile. Someone had set a easel out for the trash to pick up. I hit those brakes and within 30 seconds it was mine, well.. Victoria's. She of course loved it.

The babies are growing like weeds. Anthony is now 16 lbs. and Addison is 17 lbs. 4oz. They are both looking great and only had one shot today. They did amazing they didn't even flinch.

After the visit mom and I headed off to Target to get some diapers. Mamaw dropped off Victoria at Target for us and we loaded up and mom placed her last bag in the back of the car and we headed out onto State Street. When the light turned green we took off and heard a strange sound. I glanced in the rear view mirror and saw that my hatch had come open. We had dumped our two cases of cokes in the middle of State Street right at the busiest intersection in New Albany. I pulled over in the next driveway and made my way back to the intersection to grab our Coke zeros. Mom pulled the car around and I started chucking Cokes into the grass because the light changed and people were wanting to get through. I must have been a sight because the first Coke that I threw busted and now there is a Coke sprinkler going off in the grass heading my direction. I got all of the Cokes into the car and mom turned to me and said "MY BREAD!" Seems we were missing more than we thought so back to the Target parking lot we head to see one lone bag in the roadway into the parking lot. A car was heading toward it as we gasped just in time to see him straddle it with his tires and the bread was unharmed. SHEW! This kind of stuff only happens to mom and I.

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