Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hooray shots!!!!!

Today was Victoria's big day at the doctor's office. I wanted to make sure that she was current on her immunizations and that she was healthy all the way around. She got really excited that we were at the doc for her and not the babies. She kept saying all day " I am going to the babies doctor"

Once she got into the room she was given a hospital robe with fish on it. She immediately went into "HERE FISHY FISHY FISHY" from Sesame Street. They pricked her finger and took a urine sample. She like the finger prick because she sees Papaw do that all of the time to check his sugar. She got a band-aid and all, which is such a huge thing for a 4 year old.

When they were done with the exam Dr. Wilbur asked if I wanted to do the immunization that she needed for school today or wait for another year when she would be enrolling. I gave Victoria the option and without hesitation she opted to take the shots today. I am floored! So was the doc. She was excited and singing "Hooray Shots!" The doctor and I just looked at each other and shrugged our shoulders. She ran out to get the nurse before she changed her mind.

The nurse came in and turned Victoria around and leaned her back on the table to hang her legs off of the edge of the bed. Victoria started to get a little nervous but handled it like a champ. I was so proud of her.

We left there and went to Target (no bread in the parking lot) and got her a prize for her bravery. She picked out a Hannah Montana dry erase marker board and we ate a hot dog and nachos at the cafe. (A Target date) We had a great time and of course she showed everyone that she passed that she got shots at the "babies doctor"

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