Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Today I FINALLY had my Dentist appointment that I have been waiting for two months to have. I had a large chunk of tooth fall out of a molar and wanted to get it fixed. I woke this morning to a stomach that was already churning from nerves. Mom came to watch the kids and I headed off to seal my fate.

After full x-rays I found out that they were not going to be doing any work today (again waited 2 months for this appointment with a hole in my tooth) that they were only going to find out what was going on in my mouth and make "a plan" for correcting the problem. After 2 hours from hitting the door of the place (only to do X-rays) I was presented with "the plan".

Four crowns are needed, 2 possible root canals, 2 medicated fillings, and need to fill cavities that I could count if I had more fingers on my hands. The kicker is I could fix all of these problems for the ULTRA LOW cost of $5,741.00 for 2 days of work on my mouth that would require me to be there the whole day under sedation. They even provided me with this handy dandy little map of my mouth with a red pattern showing where my mouth is needing work. Let's just say that I am sure that they ran out of red ink in their printer a few times before they could finish printing out my chart. I was sick! Not exactly how I wanted what I wanted to hear. I have a place for them to stick their "plan". Thank God it was Monday and girls night!

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