Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Jesus Money

Victoria has started Vacation Bible School this week at a church that my parents pastor preaches at. Victoria has asked daily about it for the past 2 weeks if today is the day she gets to go. I have also had to explain to her that a school bus isn't going to pick her up to go. I am sure that she is now wondering why she got those shots for school a couple of weeks ago if she isn't' going to be riding a bus anytime soon. :) Monday I dropped her off and headed to the gym. Getting her signed in burned about 200 calories hauling the kids in their stroller up the one lane ramp to the back where about 30 kids and their parents were waiting to be signed in. Our caravan of children just from the Craig family took up the whole 4X4 landing where the table was to fill out paperwork. Victoria was so excited to receive her visor, Hawaiian lea and flip flop name tag. She anxiously told me to go ahead and leave her "by her own self". She was beaming.

After working out and sweating up a storm I went to go and pick her up. They had the sanctuary all set up in an island theme with a volcano right in the center where kids were standing up and singing on the alter. I could tell that she was upset about something. I asked her what was wrong and ,with complete disgust in herself, she said to me "I 'porgot' my Jesus money!!". Jesus money is what they call the offering in Kidstuff at our church. At VBS the kids get to go up and sing a song on the alter and then they give their offering into the volcano. She was devastated that she didn't remember to bring hers so that she could stand up and sing and throw her money into the volcano.

Victoria has a piggy bank that she puts her Jesus money that she earns through the week doing odd ball jobs around the house. Everything is about Jesus money. She even asks my parents for it when she does something for them. If I do something special for her she will give me some pennies from her bank and present them to me saying "Here you go you are a good helper and my favorite mommy here is some Jesus money". She is too cute!

Tonight she remembered to bring it. She had her pockets full of it when we left. When I picked her up she said they took her Jesus money but she didn't get to sing on the stage, so again tonight ended with a little disappointment. The ladies explained to me that the number of kids has limited the "stage time" for the little ones. So hopefully she will get her 15 minutes of fame on the stage before it is all over. I just hope she doesn't sing "Don't cha wish your 'girlpriend' was hot like me......Jon't Cha?"

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