Monday, July 28, 2008


There are no possible words that I could use to express how much this past weekend meant to me. There is no way that I could even touch on the emotions that were felt, the tears that were cried, the honesty that was given, or the love that was shown. I am in awe of my God. When the retreat had ended we all were in the Chapel and took turns sharing what we learned in this experience. I stood in front of my new family that I had made and said:

"When I left my house to come to this retreat I left, cynical, broken, questioning, dirty, tired, and feeling like I was a bad mother. I am coming home forgiven, filled with Joy, in love with my Savior, alive, whole, and washed clean as snow. I will never forget my second night at Chapel and what it took for me to understand God's love for me. I am different, I am new and I am going to go home and love on my children................(Clap) I will never forget! I am armed with the word and God's love and when I wake up in the morning the Devil is going to say "OH NO she is up!"

1 comment:

Mary Beth said...

I am so proud of YOU and prayed for you all weekend long!! I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to support you on Saturday night as I had so intended (you gotta love a kid w/Croup though, so I know you will understand!). But just know I am PROUD of you and happy for your renewed spirit.

Cause I have always found your spirit to be beautiful!!
