Monday, July 21, 2008

No more TV while I am sleeping

Not a whole lot has been going on in the Craig home. I have been anxiously awaiting this week though. Thursday is the Faces of Christ retreat. I am so excited and intrigued by the secrecy of the retreat itself. All I know is that nobody that I know that has been has been disappointed, and none of them tell any details about the retreat...little stinkers! I am trying to get organized about what I need to do to get ready and pack for the kids and myself. Tonight is Leslie night, can't wait to get last minute arrangements made for the day of.
One thing I can tell you about to give you a laugh is the dream that I had the other night. I have had some very disturbing dreams and my poor husband has gotten some upset phone calls from me. Bless his heart, he is just driving down the road trying to make a dollar, innocent as can be, and I call him in the morning mad at him for something that he did in my dreams. I have always left the TV on while I am sleeping and I have been on a kick of MSNBC late at night. I believe that the shows have influenced content of my dreams quite a bit and I believe I am going to have to switch back over to Nick at Nite to keep my husband out of the dreamland doghouse.

On Friday night, I believe, I had a dream that I can't figure out the "hidden meaning" that everyone talks about. I had a dream that I was doing yoga with President Bush. All of his secret service agents were standing along the wall with their arms crossed and dressed like Will Smith in Men in Black. He was on the mat next to me and doing all of the positions in his 3 piece suit and keeping up quite well (oh yes did I mention that this dream took place in my high school cafeteria?) At one point George looked over at me and said "When is John Stamos going to get here? I JUST LOVE HIM!" . He was all giddy about seeing John Stamos. I just looked at him and said "Mr. President he has been standing right there this whole time". John was standing in the window with a pair of jeans on, a leather jacket with white T-shirt underneath, and of course some James Dean type sunglasses. The President jumped up and ran over to hug him like a teenage girl. I don't' know what kind of shows were playing or what was on my mind to make me dream of doing yoga with the President and good ol' John but I did wake up that morning laughing.

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