Thursday, July 3, 2008

We better get there early so we can find a seat!

Today was the babies first theatre experience. The local theatre here has free movies on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Today's movie was Veggie Tales Pirates that don't do anything. I met my friend Marlina at the theatre at 8:30 (for the 9:00 show) because I was told that they fill up really really fast so in order to get a seat you need to get there in plenty of time. Let me tell you we did. We arrived at 8:45 and waited for them to open the doors. I was puzzled, there wasn't many cars in the parking lot and they had 3 screens showing the movie. Seemed like a lot of fuss for only 10 or so cars. After about 15-20 minutes of sitting in the theatre I went to check and see if the other screens had started the movie. I was then informed by another family in the theatre next to us (at 9:15) that the movie doesn't start until 10!!!!! So needless to say we found a seat without problem as you can see below.

The babies did great during the show. Anthony wiggled all over until the lights went down and the movie started, he just froze and stared with his mouth hanging open at the screen. He enjoyed shaking Marlina's box of Nerds too. Halfway through the movie he took a nap and spent the rest of the movie watching people behind him after he woke up. He did great. I was so proud!

Addison Marie wasn't too impressed she watched casually and clung for dear life to her breast cancer puppy dog. She also took a nap during the movie and became very interested in Mommy's cup of coffee that went so well with her outfit and puppy dog. She is such a slave to fashion at 10 months.

Victoria loved getting to run around the theatre for 45 minutes while we waited for the other 200,000 people to show up. That place was packed by the time the movie started. It is true what I had been told, a great movie, it's free, babies are welcome, you don't have to worry about your kids making noise during the movie (parents are outnumbered 10 to 1) because all of the kids are talking and laughing, AND YOU NEED TO GET THERE EARLY!!! but not as early as we did.:)

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